love, relationship, teenager, girl guy, sex, friendship, people,  couple, merried

The the girl and the guy has to match to each other.  Not  to their parents. Just to  each  other. Here  is  a  sad  story  that  confirms  that. 

When the  girl was 16, she I met a guy. It was really  the first love for  both. These were the purest and most sincere feelings. She had a great relationship with his family, but her mom did not like him. Absolutely. And she began fighting. She used to lock the  girl in the room, locked also the phone, started  to meet  her from school. It lasted for three months. The  young  lady  and  her boy-friend gave up, and each of  them went his  and  her own way.

Three years later, the girl quarrelled with her mother and left the house. She  felt happy, because her mother could not decide then everything for her any more. The  first  thing what she has done, it was to come to her Love to report it. But the guy met the  girl quite coldly. She  went away  with  the tears appearing in  the eyes.

Many years later she got married and had a baby. Her friend's boyfriend, her former classmate, became the godfather of her child. And then one day his wife told  her the story of their common friend's love, that was  exactly the story of their love.  From  that  story  the  girl also got  to  know that her Love of  teenager’s time does not have a wife presently, was married many times, but there was no happiness. He has  been in love only that  girl all  the  life. And in  deed that day, when the  girl came to his house to say  a happy  news that  now they  can  be  together, he was simply confused and did not know what to say. The  girl tried to find him in social networks, but  she  has  seen that he did not use his page for many years, too.

The woman feels also sorry  that it  happened  like  this  in  her  life. She has 16 old daughter that  meets a guy for a year and a half till now. She  says she will not make the mistake that her mother has  done, although she  does not like him. Absolutely ...

Comment  of psychologist:

Everybody  do  mistakes  in the  life. Important it is  just to understand  the  mistake. This  way,  the  chances  that  the same  situation will be repeated  is  low. 

The  parents want  the  best  for  their  children. They  are  a  kind  of  "shoulder". They protect,  they do  not  want  the  child  to  suffer. And, if  the kid  feels  happy, the  parents  feel  happy, too. 
Sometimes,  parents think that the  thing or person  they  do  not  like,  it is  not  good for  their child. But,  it  is  not  always  true. As  they  say,  as  many  people,  as  many  likes. So,  your  child is a unique  independent person. You  can  have your  opinion,  give  your  comments, say  your  likes  and  dislikes,  based on  something. But,  the  final  decision  is  up  to your baby. Always  remember,  that  you  are  not  perfect,  as  nobody  is  perfect. And  that's  mean  you  can  also  be wrong. Your  kid  is  happy? Do not  destroy  the  happiness of  your child  then. Valuate  the  risks  then,  and  if  you  have  some  bad  sensation  that  can  happen  later,  just get  ready  silently  to  help your  kid  in  the  situation,  if  it  will  still happen. Or,  with other  words,  find  the "plan B",  just  in case. May  be,  it  is  just  a challenge,  first  of  all  for parents. If  the situation that  used to  happen  in their life  once, then  appearing  in  the  life  of  your  kids,  too. Take  it  bravely,  and  make  conclusions. 

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