There  are  people  who  use  their  situation  to  obtain  something.  And there  are  people  who  do  even  worse:  invent  the situation to obtain  what  they  want. 

One  girl  used  to  meet a silent guy for  six  months. She  thought  he was speechless. Seems  like all  was  ok,  and  both were  happy like  this...

… This  day  the  girl said  that  she  is  going  to  do  sport. And  let  the  guy  the  key  and  let  him  to  arrive before  she was returned back.

As  the  classes  of  yoga  finished  a  bit  earlier,  then  expected,  normally that  the  girl came  back  a  bit  faster. She  decided   to  make  a  surprise  to  her  boy-friend  this  way.  In  stead  of  that, it  was the  guy,  who was made  her very  much  surprised  then. 

When  entered  the hall,  the  girl  have  heard  the  unknown  voice talking  to  someone. And, when the  girl  entered  the  room, she  saw  her beloved talking!  He  was loudly fighting with  his with the "beloved" because of the money… 

The  fact  that  the guy cheated her  and another  girl  at  the  same  time,  was less bad,  then the  fact that  he  lied  to  her that  he  could not  talk.  The  rapport  was  finished  immediately. 

Comment  of psychologist:

Lie is always  bad. There  are  many  ways  to  say  the  truth in not  a  painful  way. 
If  the  lie  happening just  to  obtain  something  in  an easy way,  it is  a kind  of  stealing  already. In  this  situation,  the  guy wanted  to  obtain  love  and other goods. And  he was  pretending speechless. Comfortable. No  need  to  talk,  so  seems  like  no lie. It is a kind  of  not  talking. In  a willy  mood. And pretending is the  biggest  lie  there. It is also  a  kind  of game,  where  normally people are  sorry about  disable  person. So, a  double  game. A willy and  easy  solution. An  actor play.  But, all  the  hidden,  sooner  or  later becomes  visible. So,  this  way  the  guy was burned  down on this. Lier, experienced one, but the fortune  played  a game  with  him: he  did  not  expect  unpredictable  circumstances there. 

The guy pretending  very realistic, as  we  see two  girls  believe. He is  not  stupid. He  plays  with the  feelings. The  person  might  be  dangerous,  if  finds  the right person  to  play  with her  or  his  feelings. The feelings are the most powerful weapon. The  person,  whom  feelings  are  playing  with there, is  in  danger,  because does not  always  understand  what  is  going  on,  and  that  it  might  be  just a game. When  we  are  under  control  of  feelings,  we  indeed  do  not  control ourselves. And  it  is  the  one  of  the  worst  things  that  can  happen, not  to  control yourself,  or control partly. The  brain  has  to  be  up to all,  not the  feelings,  so  not  to do  stupid  things  that  later  might  be  regretted. In  this  situation  it is  difficult  to evaluate  the  situation  with  the right  mind. As,  it  was  hard  to predict  that  the  guy is pretending  in  such  the  way. Only, if to  check if the guy  is  really  speechless. How  to  do  it? Create  the  circumstances he  is  not  expecting,  like danger  or  great  surprise,  that  he  also loose  control  about his  behaviour. 

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