Whatever  a  confused  situation  you  are  getting there  in  your  life, do  not get embarrassed or  shy! This, seems  like,  was  a  motive  of  one  another cheerful girl. And  the way  to  accept what used  to happen to  her in  the  life with the  smile up  to  the  face,  made her so  happy one later.  

That girl got married because of being funny and had the great sense of humour.  She had a small breast, and because  of that often used to use a push-up. Once when the girl has been with her friend at the beach, she was fixing the towel down. It  was  a very windy day. And that push up fell down of  the  bra, and was blown with the wind away. 

“Fuck, it's such a strong wind that it blows away even the tits!” - Said she. The guy who was down  the  sun close to her place,  too, started to laugh about the situation and the comment so much that he even has got the stomach contraction and needed a help. Sure, the  girl came  up to help. In the week that guy asked the funny lady to got married with him!

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