building, street, house, people, life, office, business
It  was a period when the young  woman just broke up with her man.  She decided somehow to  get  distracted. And registered a  profile on a  web-site to get acquainted with somebody. 

One guy left her the phone number. He basically was aware that the  woman just had finished a relationship. One day he called, when the  woman was at work place. He invited her  to come to have the tea in the office, as he had  some free time. It turned out that he was working in a nearby office building. The woman  had her  own  business, and  as she  had  no urgent  things  to  do,  she agreed. Anyways,  if  she  does  not  like  the person,  she  always  can say  the urgent things have appeared. 

A man, that  the  woman  saw when arrived, looked  like absolutely sick and an rhinitis. He could not make any impression. Externally - not a very good one. In  spite  of  that, she  liked  the  appearance: the face and the body  shape were good. 

The  guy offered the tea. But the  lady already did not want anything. So, they talked about business, touched the personal things. He said that he was an egoist. That so  many girls offered him to marry him,  and  all girls with apartments…In general, these  talks looked like the strange ones. The office was small, the  room was  not very neat, and he himself was somehow sloppy. The  woman  did  not  get  any  desire to  get  married him...
The lady was helped by a phone call. So,  she was able to leave in half an hour. Later  he was calling, was offering her a lift after work,  but  the  meeting  did not  happen  any  more. The  business woman made  a  joke that she did  not want  to take away  the  time of  such  a  busy  person like  he was,  as a  queue of  fiancees was waiting  for  him there. 

Comment  of psychologist:

A  famous  game into  being great  businessman,  famous among females,  being  important. Again depends  how  the  person plays. To  be  a  good-looking  person is  already  a  good  start. But,  they  say,  the speed  of  the  light  is  faster,  then  the  speed of  the sound:  that's  why  many  people  look  for us bright  till  the  time  they do  not  start  to  talk. Important  still also  to  be  able  to  catch  the  woman with  something,  to  make  her  to  be  interested  in  your  personality in  real  way,  not  just  to  listen  to  a  kind  of  advertising  about you. This is  what  many  man do  not  understand. The  woman has  a  brain,  and  can  use  it  to  make  conclusions about  you,  knowing  the  man closer. And  all  that  looks  like  just  a  kind  of  advertising,  has  normally  the  opposite  effect  to  what  guys  expect  there. And,  even  in  some  cases,  if  woman  has  got  attracted,  very  soon  she  might  changer  her  mind,  and  to  be  lost  for  that guy.

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