pumpkin, life, give  pumpkin, girl, outside, park

When  the  woman  is  getting  into  hysteric,  for  example,  about  being jealous about  her  man,  it  is  one  thing. But, if the man treats that way, it  looks  different. More  over, it is  important which way  the jealousy  is  shown. Because  sometimes it can destroy even the  best feeling  and love. 

The  girl started dating with a guy. He did not have one hand. To the question "why are you alone", he just answered: “Who  would need me  like this”. It was  not  a problem for  the  girl  that her  lover had some health defect. So,  they got  along  together. 

It seemed  like everything was fine the  first  moment. But, indeed, he was really a very hysterical person! “Did not you get the pipe? Already somewhere with the men? Training later, then  usual, so you have a lover?!”

There were  just constant interrogations and suspicions. Each time he stopped her by the hand like a teenager. 

The  lady was tired enough. More  over,  that  she never gave a reason for  that jealousy. She bought the tickets and flew  away for a week to another country. But  when  she was waiting  for  the plane  in the  airport, there arrived  the mother  of  her beloved. Started  to  take  away her  back,     creamed and  was making  the  hysteric  like  her son. The young  lady did  not  expect  such  the thing  even  from his  mother. She decided  not  to  have  any  discussion with  the old  woman,  left the bag that, she  was  trying  so  much  to  take  away, and  went  for  boarding how  it  was. It  was  the  last  time they have met.  

Comment of psychologist

Sometimes reasons why someone  does not  have  the relationship, or is crazy could  be solved  easily,  if the  person understands where is the  mistake and works on not to do  the same  mistakes again. 

Being hysteric and jealous are probably the most irritating styles of behaviour there. Funny,  but  both man and woman can show these feelings and behave in that mood. Sometimes,  it does not irritate, and, for example, jealousy can be positive one, and shows the feelings,  the love to another person. And, in  some  cases, it  goes over limits, and not only irritate, but may even scare. Because you never  know what the person can do when he  or  she  is over  jealous. There  are  some  cases  that  jealous  person  even kills  the subject  of  jealousy. The same with  hysteric. Hysteric person is loosing control  there. And  both  hysteric  and  jealous are  dangerous. And, more  over,  if  it  is  a  family thing,  and  mother is  the  same.. 

This couple had no future, as  the  girl  had another life values. And, even if to  look  for  the  solutions,  there  are  pretty  much  doubts,  that  later there  people  could  get along together well. 

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