love, sex, relationship, drug, alcohol, cigarettes, like,  dangerous, danger, meeting, dating

Love  is the  strongest of all kinds of the  drugs. 

Fly in the  sky up the clouds for  free. 
No  need  to  pay  for  fun. No  alcohol,  no smoke needed.

The  result  is similar. Sometimes even stronger. After the  drugs the  time  has  to  pass  to  be  able  to  get fresh. The  same  with  a  love... But  with common stimulators next  day  there  is  no  influence already. And  love is the drug  definitely for  more  then  one  day. Some  people  are  drugged  with the  love  their  entire  life. And  stay  the  most  happy ones. This drug  helps  to take  the  life  more  happily. Much  more then  the alcohol or smoke. And  the  problems  seems  more  light  then,  if you  feel  in love  with  somebody. And  even  more,  if  you  feel  like  this  feeling  is  mutual. 
Sure,  like under  the drug, being  in  love  you  can  do  the  most  stupid  things  of the  life. You  do  mistakes  that you  can  regret the  entire life. To  be  in  love  with  some  person  the  entire  life is  like  to  take  all  the  life  the  same  drug... 

And some are  dependent on the  love in  different  mood. As soon  as something  doesn’t go  in  a  romantic  mood, like  it  was  when two people just me
t, some  quarrels  appear, they simply change  the subject of love. They leave  the  person  and  choose another  one. As they  do  not feel being  loved any more, do  not  feel  the thrilling of chemical body magic. So,  they do not  feel that drug influence of  love when butterflies  are  in  the  stomach. It’s  like  to  change  one  drug  for  another  one,  if  no euphoria sensation any more appears.

The  drugs  kills. People  can die because of  overdose,  intentionally or  not. The  love  can  kill,  too.. Some  even  commit  a  suicide,  because  of love. Or  better  to say,  when  they  loose  that feeling of love,  or being  loved. When  their hopes and expectations  are destroyed with a sad reality that  they were  wrong about it. When  the influence of  the drug called “Love”  is  finished... The  pink  glasses  are  out,  and  the  dark glasses  that follow  after, are too dark. It’s  like  kind  of  punch from  the destiny  that is that hard  that  push  you  away  from  your  legs. That  can  be  too hard to  overlive it. These people need  exactly  that  kind  of  a  drug called  “Love”,  and exactly  from the dealer that  supported  them  with  it  before… 

Some people  overlive  the  bad  experience of unhappy  love,  and  decide  not  to take  that  drug  any  more , as  it  hurts. If  is it  better  to live  without  love? Probably, not. But  one  thing is sure. There  is  no  pain in  the  soul like when the heard  is  broken,  like no pain  all  over  the  body like  next  day  after the  drug is used, it can  be.  
So, is  it  good to  love? The  same  like  to  take drugs,  seems  like. As  much  as  it  makes  you  happy  and  does  not  hurt  you,  then probably  yes. And they  say  that ones  in your life  you  have  to  try everything just to  get new  experience. So, you can try  the Love. But,  there  is  not  written any  warning  like  up  to  the package of  cigarettes, or bottle of viski, that  it  can  be  harmful for  you. So,  just  remember  not  to  overdose, so not  to  do  the  things  that  you  might  regret  later... 

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