THE POST  OF THE  WISHES 

And these two young  people were connected together through the wrong address correspondence. 

Once the guy received a letter. It was in a paper envelope, not  in an e-mail,  and it seemed to him to  be a real miracle. The address was his, and the name was not. But, despite of that, he opened the envelope and has read the letter. Some girl has written it.  From the text of the letter the  youth  got  to know that the girl talked to the guy  that she had met at the seaside. There  was nothing special in the letter, but it was written so easily and so funny that the guy decided not to leave it without the answer.

What was his surprise when he received the answer: “It’s  not  a  nice  thing  to  read the  letters  that  do  not  belong  to you!". The  guy  did not  get  lost and sent a postcard with the words back  to the  girl: "Forgive me". And it  started…

The youths corresponded for two years, and for all this time they did not ask each other for any e-mail address, or other social network contacts, and  any phone numbers. Moreover, they lived their lives, and never have met during this  period.  But at  the  same  time used  to write to each other about everything in the world.

And  once the  young  guy was in the city where his corresponding  girl has  been  living. He bought a bouquet of  tulips and finally went  to  visit  his  friend in real. She opened the door, and  he  got frozen looking  into  her eyes. “I  do  not  remember  such  the amazing  eyes in  my life.  - He shared  the impression later. - Exactly  the  eyes,  not  something else, what  you  can  find  in the one  pretty  girl appearance, made me  to make the important  decision  of  my  life”. 

And the girl was also very amazed to see her correspondent friend. They walked around the city, and in the evening the  guy had to leave away.  But it  was not for long. Very soon he got a transfer to work in the city, where the girl  with  amazing  eyes, lived then. As a result, they have been married for two years for  now. And the young people are very grateful to the post for bringing them together. 

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